You have come to this website because someone who genuinely cares about your local economy has shown Liberty Dollars to you, and handed you a card or given you a link.
You are probably thinking, “Why would I want to take Liberty Dollars for what I’m selling? It’s so much easier for people to pay with a credit card or use an app on a smart phone to pay for things.”
You’re right. Using Liberty Dollars might be a little bit different and maybe even a bit inconvenient, but what if it’s worth the extra effort?
Granted, you won’t be able to use Liberty Dollars for everything you want to buy or sell, but merchants who catch on quickly to the value of Sound Money will find many opportunities to use Liberty Dollars to help their businesses grow rapidly.
What impact will Liberty Dollars have on small to medium businesses?
• There are no transaction fees for a business to pay.
• People who have and use Liberty Dollars will seek out your business, and will happily come back over and over.
• Liberty Dollar users will mean more customers coming to your store and will often add US Dollars to complete a purchase.
• The more customers and money a small business can bring in, the more likely they can keep employees paid and see their business grow.
• Small to medium business are usually local businesses, your friends and neighbors. Using Liberty Dollars when you need to make a purchase from one of them will mean more profits for them, and they will likely return the favor.
• Becoming a Liberty Merchant means being discoverable by thousands of Liberty Dollar fans throughout the country, possibly increasing your online sales dramatically.
But isn’t a cashless society better and safer?
1. A cashless society will mean no one will be able to earn extra money with a cash-based side job. Liberty Dollars will help them avoid economic hardships.
2. The big tech companies have a big investment in trying to force you to use only electronic transactions. If we have to use nothing but electronic payments, hackers, who are always one step ahead of the best security measures, can take your money instantly.
3. If all payments are made electronically, someone is keeping records of everything you buy everywhere you go. They claim they only use this information to make their services better, but big tech companies have proven that they cannot be trusted. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to opt out or unsubscribe from their services.
4. If you receive any kind of government pension or financial assistance of any kind, the government will be able to keep you from using your money on anything that the government hasn’t approved.
5. Liberty Dollars allow you to make anonymous purchases or donations. If everything goes cashless, every purchase or donation you make will be tracked and recorded. As a Private Membership Association, LDFA does not share any information about your money or purchases with any other entity.
What does a cashless society mean in plain words?
• You will be reliant on technology for every transaction you need to make, every day. If you want spend your money, you will have to constantly get the most current software and apps to enable payments. For anyone who is not very comfortable with high tech gadgetry, this could be a serious problem. It could also mean expenses that don’t really fit into a tight budget.
• A cashless society would mean you may not be able to buy or sell anything during power outages and disruptions in society.
• A cashless society means you can’t even leave your home without some sort of device that can track everything you do. Any government who wants to keep track of every purchase and trip you make is no longer working for the people; it has become an enemy of everyone who simply wants to live and let live.